Feeling Overwhelmed from Teaching and Desiring to Leave the School System?
Believe you me, I was one of those teachers. I wasn’t the first teacher to feel that way and certainly won’t be the last.
-Splish, Splash-

Know this:
There are 100s of incredible educators that have done this juggling balancing act and have found their way out of the school system.
Did they grow 8 arms to accomplish this feat?

No, no they did not.
They did something even more incredible.
Teachers have found careers where they positively impact young lives, partake in unrushed lunch breaks, earn a wonderful salary, wake up refreshed to go to work, etc.
These careers are in multiple private sector industries and are a great fit for K-12 professionals; Consulting contract opportunities, GLORIOUS jobs outside of the school system, that are currently within your grasp.
Let’s list a few careers that Educators have transitioned into:
Customer Success Manager
Product Demonstration Specialist
Instructional Designer
Content Assessment Developer
Professional Learning
Don’t believe me when I say educators have transitioned into some of these roles, and more?
I worked as an independent contractor, providing assessment feedback for state testing in 3-5th grade math.
So, how do you conduct an effective job search campaign and “juggle” a successful transition into a new career?
Step 1: Explore the “hidden job market”
We as educators have a vast set of skills, talents and experiences. We can target our career match, have a winning resume and lock in a solid plan.
Knowing the when, where, and how to apply though can increase your chances of getting an interview by nearly 80%.
The first step to increasing your chances of getting an interview is to explore additional pathways to career opportunities and researching the hidden job market.
Nearly 60 to 70% of job openings go “unadvertised” to the public and are not on these popular job search websites.
Spending 100 percent of your job searching time on those popular job search websites (which only have 30 to 40 percent of the jobs available) is not in your best interest.
Does that make sense?
Not diversifying your job search is one big mistake that many teachers make when they are first leaving the school system.
Instead, consider looking within a company’s website to unlock additional career opportunities.
Now this is just ONE pathway with exploring the “hidden job market”; knowing where else to look helped me in my initial transition, and I hope this tip helps you as well.
Over the next week, I challenge
you to look for 2 jobs outside of those popular job search websites.
In the meantime, know this:
It’s not you; it is just your approach, and your dream job is just around the
I'll be back soon to help you with Step 2.
Be sure to check out my Facebook page (J Stauffer Consulting) for more tips!
Make the most of your day!
© 2022 J. Stauffer Consulting LLC