"How many of you have been disappointed because you applied for your dream job only to be ignored?"

-Chirp, chirp, chirp-
Crickets could be chirping in the background.
You are not alone in this dilemma.
It’s not you, it's just your approach.
It could just be one mistake that you are making.
I am going to give you a solution.
After you apply for a job, what is the next step you take?
Sit and wait?
Pray to the Universe?
Hope for a call back?
Most educators forget to do this one step.
It's like putting the clothes from the dirty laundry basket into the washer and expecting clean clothes in the end.

Your chances of receiving the first interview increase massively when you follow up within 48 hours of filing a job application.
Do you know how to follow up appropriately with a prospective employer?
Here are a few ideas for how to follow up:
Option A: Write an email to the talent acquisition specialist
Option B: Calling the talent acquisition specialist.
The method worked for me, and I was able to secure a key interview with a major corporation!
Here is what I did.
Step 1: I looked at the Contact Us tab on the company's website
Step 2: I called the talent acquisition specialist (HR)
Step 3: I politely asked them for the status on my application
Step 4: I thanked them for their time, and made sure this was the appropriate number to follow up with in the future.
Rather than waiting for a response, following up on your application is imperative to your success.
It's the same as putting dirty clothes in the washer but not pressing the start button.
With that being said,
You are off to a great start!
Check back in for my next posting or video!
Make the most of your day!
J Stauffer Consulting, #Teachers'CareerPivotSpecialist
©2022 J Stauffer Consulting LLC