Have you ever felt that you didn’t have skills to reach outside of teaching? It's not you; you simply are unaware of your possibilities

published on 02 September 2022

Who here has ever felt trapped as an educator in the school system, unable to leave because you felt you lacked the skills to thrive outside of the school system?

When a barn fire breaks out, educators often feel like a chicken in a locked barn with new hatchlings

In extreme cases, the chicken burns alive and gives their life for their chicks

In extreme cases, the chicken burns alive © 2022 J. Stauffer Consulting LLC
In extreme cases, the chicken burns alive © 2022 J. Stauffer Consulting LLC

You don't need to "burn" alive in the school system to positively impact students

It's not you; you simply are unaware of your possibilities.

I'm going to teach you a method to generate some superior options (outside of tutoring, although that is a noble profession).

When you think of taking the next steps to leave teaching, what do you do?

Do you buckle down another year, thinking "it will get better?"

Wish for a zombie apocalypse to happen so there can't be any more school?

Panic, eat ice-cream, and go hyperventilate in a corner?

When determining which skills are transferable outside of the school system, most educators do not employ this strategy.

Using this strategy is similar to opening the barn door and taking the lead out to freedom.

It's not you; you simply are unaware of your possibilities.
It's not you; you simply are unaware of your possibilities.

Here's a strategy to uncover your skills that can be used outside of teaching

Step 1: Write down your strengths at your past job

Step 2: Write down what you enjoyed at your past job

Step 3: Talk to others who know you personally to brainstorm skills you have. Write down what they say

Step 4: Look for those skills in the job opportunities that you come across

With that being said,

You can do this.

Check in for my next post or next video!

Schedule a complimentary 15- minute consultation if you want additional support!

Make the most of your day!



© 2022 J. Stauffer Consulting LLC

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