Effective Job Search Strategies

 This course is for educators transitioning out of the school system.... and beyond!

We cover how to;

  •  Create an effective and diversified career search
  • Access some of the best job search websites for educators (especially for advertised opportunities)
  • Utilize keyword searches to locate better quality jobs
  • Create your own career search system 
  • Maintain your streamlined career search system
  • Pinpoint unadvertised career opportunities
  •  How, when, and where to apply

Affordable Pricing for Everyone

Tax included; the whole shebang

  • 1 on 1 coaching with Jacquelyn

    Perfect for those who want one on one help
  • Sign up for a live webinar with other individuals

    Perfect for those who want a group experience
    • Dates Posted Below
      Each webinar is 120 minutes long
  • On Demand Webinar

    Perfect for those who want to slow down content at their own pace
    /90 day access
    • Premium support
    • View 24/7 for 90 days
  • Copper Plan Cohort Groups

    Perfect for those who want help in effective job search strategies and work with other individuals over a period of time. Meets once a week; hybrid model.
    / 4 Session
    • Live Q&A's to ask your questions, and get personalized feedback.
    • Premium support
  • Bronze Plan 1:1 Coaching

    Perfect for those who want one on one help, multiple times; Perfect for those who want one on one help in effective job search. This is a bundle.
    /6 sessions
    • 1:1 individualized sessions
    • Premium support

Just A Heads Up

 You may not disseminate, modify, reproduce or copy in whole or in part the information contained in this website without prior written permission from J Stauffer Consulting LLC. 

Also Note That...

 J Stauffer Consulting LLC is not a job placement service nor guarantees employment due to factors beyond our control. All content herein is for informational purposes.


We do not receive do not endorse any particular company feature within this website. It is always recommended that you research any company of interest or product of interest to ensure that it is the right fit for you.

The most important things to know

 Terms and Conditions apply. Prices are subject to change at any time and for any reason.