Services Offered

We support you with your career pivot out of the school system... and beyond!

Courses and 1 on 1 Coaching Options Available

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    Effective Job Search Strategies for Teachers

    Did you know that 60 percent of job opportunities are "hidden" ? Do you know where to find them? In this course, we dive into what works in the private industry market. It is different than what works in the school system! 

    Launched August 22, 2022

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    Finding Your Fit: Identifying Your Educator Superpowers to Discover the RIGHT Career and Employer Match

    Having a career that you enjoy is extremely important. What career options are there for educators outside of the school system? Do you know? I didn't at first. In this course, we introduce you to 60 careers (no tutoring, teaching abroad, etc) 

    We help you find the right match.

    Course content created by Broils Consulting Group.

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    Schedule a free consultation call

    Let us get to know each other better!

    Available August 22, 2022

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    Conquering the Interview Process for Educators

    Coming soon (ish) . Building something awesome for you.

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    Career Transition Crew

    Up and working! Exciting way to simplify your job search!

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Effective Job Search Strategies for Educators Live Webinar Dates this Month

Finding Your Fit for Educators Live Webinar Dates this Month

Saturday Live Webinar Dates this Month

Just A Heads Up

 You may not disseminate, modify, reproduce or copy in whole or in part the information contained in this website without prior written permission from J Stauffer Consulting LLC. 

Also Note That...

 J Stauffer Consulting LLC is not a job placement service nor guarantees employment due to factors beyond our control. All content herein is for informational purposes.


We do not receive do not endorse any particular company feature within this website. It is always recommended that you research any company of interest or product of interest to ensure that it is the right fit for you.